Ultherapy in Virginia Beach
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The first signs of aging are often the most distressing—and these often occur earlier than expected, in the face and neck areas. Sagging skin can make your face, jaw, chin, and neck look tired and older than you feel, and you might look perpetually tired or worn out, which can affect how you and others perceive you. The good news is that the best time to address signs of aging is when they first start appearing.
The Choe Center for Facial Plastic Surgery in Virginia Beach offers a range of minimally invasive treatments for skin tightening and rejuvenation to combat the signs of aging. As the first practice in the Hampton Roads area to introduce Ultherapy™, Dr. Choe has performed over 500 treatments, helping patients achieve firmer, more youthful-looking skin.
What is Ultherapy™?
Ultherapy™ is an FDA-approved skin tightening treatment performed at The Choe Center’s Med Spa in Virginia Beach, that uses ultrasound technology to reach the deep facial foundation tissues and stimulate the body’s natural collagen formation processes. Collagen is a structural protein that gives skin its firm, youthful appearance and prevents it from sagging. It is the “scaffold” of the skin, and when we are young, the structure is strong and abundant. Unfortunately, aging slows down collagen production, resulting in looser, sagging skin. By stimulating collagen production using ultrasonic energy, Ultherapy™ can help tighten and rejuvenate the skin without surgery or invasive skin treatments. Ultherapy™ is an excellent option for patients with minor to moderate skin sagging who are not ready or are not interested in a surgical facelift for anti-aging.
The Benefits of Ultherapy™
This innovative, non-surgical procedure offers many benefits to patients. Areas that can be improved include the brow, cheeks, jaw, and neck. Skin tightening and firming results occur through stimulation of the body’s own processes, making it an all-natural procedure that has ongoing anti-aging benefits. Most patients only require one brief treatment to see the desired results. There are no incisions and no needles involved, and the treatment does not disturb the skin itself—just the tissues beneath. While Ultherapy™ is not a replacement for surgery, and cannot produce the same skin tightening results of a full surgical facelift, it can produce remarkable results for a non-invasive procedure and is a great option for patients who do not want to pursue surgery. Many people refer to Ultherapy as the “non-surgical facelift”. Patients in their 30s and 40s are often able to attain great results that boost self-esteem and confidence while slowing down the aging process.
The Ultherapy™ Procedure
Ultherapy™ is performed in an office setting and is gentle enough to be performed with or without local anesthetic, according to the patient’s wishes. Several specialized handpieces are used to deliver the ultrasonic energy deep into the facial tissues, which patients often find a bit uncomfortable, but tolerable. This indicates that collagen production is being stimulated and the treatment is working. Treatment of the full face does not take long, and patients should expect the treatment to be completed within an hour, typically.
Recovery & Downtime
As a minimally-invasive treatment, Ultherapy™ involves very little recovery or downtime. Generally, patients can return to normal activities, including work, by the day following treatment. Some patients do so well following Ultherapy™ that they choose to return to work the same day—it all depends on how you feel after the treatment. There are generally no activity restrictions following Ultherapy™, but Dr. Choe will let you know if you need to take any special precautions immediately after treatment. Some redness is common following the procedure, but this should subside quickly.
Are You a Good Candidate?
Ultherapy™ is a gentle procedure that does not disturb the upper skin tissues, so it is safe and suitable for many different skin types. Because it is non-invasive, many people are good candidates for the procedure—the best results will be seen in people with mild to moderate skin sagging who want to reduce the signs of aging or preserve the results of previous cosmetic surgery. Candidates must have realistic expectations for the results of the procedure and understand that results will not be instantaneous, since the collagen in the skin will gradually lift and tighten the tissues.

How Much Does Ultherapy Cost?
The price of Ultherapy varies widely depending on multiple factors, including the number of treatments required to achieve optimal results and the cosmetic or medical concerns you want to address. Contact us today and find out what’s best for you.
Your Ultherapy Consultation
Your consultation is a very important part of the treatment process for a number of reasons. First, you will want to meet Dr. Choe, get to know him and our Virginia Beach, VA offices, and ensure you are a good candidate for cosmetic treatments. Dr. Choe will assess your facial aging and determine whether Ultherapy™ will help you reach your goals, or if another procedure might be a better fit for your needs.
Another purpose of the consultation is to allow you to ask any questions you may have about the Ultherapy™ procedure and any other treatments you are considering. It’s a good idea to come into your consultation with your goals and questions are written down, to help Dr. Choe determine what your best treatment plan will be.