What to Do About Female Hair Loss

Plenty of people assume that hair loss is a problem that only affects men. But the truth is, female hair loss is a fairly common problem. It’s more common among older women, affecting about 60% of women over age 70, compared to just 5% of women under age 30. No matter how old you are, female […]
Why More People are Choosing Kybella to Eliminate Stubborn Fat

You didn’t ask for a double chin, but your genes or habits gave you one anyway. The fat that creates a double chin can be particularly stubborn and difficult to get rid of. For years, the only option people had for effectively removing that fat was liposuction. That was until the FDA approved Kybella, which […]
Who Can Benefit from a Liquid Facelift?

These days, facial rejuvenation doesn’t have to involve surgery. In fact, some signs of aging are better treated with non-surgical options than with procedures such as a facelift. For example, people with some wrinkles or loss of facial volume might be better served by a liquid facelift rather than surgery. A non-surgical treatment can be […]
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Everything You Need to Know

Why go through surgery when a non-surgical option is available? While a non-surgical rhinoplasty and other minimally invasive procedures can seem like the perfect solution, they aren’t the right call for everyone. If you’re considering a non-surgical nose job or weighing the pros and cons of choosing a non-surgical over a surgical rhinoplasty, there are […]
Female Hair Loss: What to do

Hair loss is an equal opportunity concern. Although people tend to think of it as a problem that only affects middle-aged and older men, female hair loss is not uncommon. About 30 million women in the US have female pattern baldness, while many more suffer from other forms of hair loss, or alopecia. Figuring out […]
Your Complete Guide to Hair Loss and Hair Restoration

At some point in your life, you’re most likely going to have to deal with hair loss. Luckily, today’s hair restoration options are better than ever before. With surgical procedures, you can permanently replace lost hair, for example. Whether you’re currently dealing with hair loss or are concerned that one day you might wake 1up […]
A Guide to Recovery After Ear Surgery

Ear sury, or otoplasty, is one of the few plastic surgeries that’s recommended for children. In fact, in many cases, the younger a child has ear surgery, the better. The ears are more pliable and easier to reshape at a younger age, and a child is less likely to remember much about the procedure when […]
Are You a Candidate for a Facelift?

With all the non-surgical treatments available today, it might seem that a facelift is a thing of the past. After all, why have surgery and spend weeks recovering when you can go in a for a few quick injections? Although there are plenty of options available if you are looking to reduce the signs of […]
Should You Worry About Counterfeit Botox?

When you see a facial plastic surgeon for an injection such as Botox, you want to walk away from the treatment with the assurance that the substance the surgeon injected into your forehead or by your eyes was in fact the real deal. While for the most part, if you work with a board certified […]
Skincare Tips from Celebrities

Sometimes, when you look at a celebrity’s skin, you might wonder just what her secret is. Sure, celebrities are often able to afford top-of-the-line, expensive skincare treatments and many receive Botox and other injections on a regular basis. But, in some cases, the secret to a celebrity’s great skin is actually a lot less expensive […]