Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Everything You Need to Know

Why go through surgery when a non-surgical option is available? While a non-surgical rhinoplasty and other minimally invasive procedures can seem like the perfect solution, they aren’t the right call for everyone. If you’re considering a non-surgical nose job or weighing the pros and cons of choosing a non-surgical over a surgical rhinoplasty, there are a few things worth knowing first.
No Recovery Time is Needed
One factor that makes non-surgical rhinoplasty so appealing is that it has almost no recovery time. Traditional rhinoplasty typically requires you to take a week or two off from work. Even after you’re able to return to work and other light daily activities, you’ll still need to avoid working out and strenuous activity for another few weeks. Plus, after a surgical rhinoplasty you need to be extra careful about bumping or touching your nose. You’ll need to avoid wearing glasses or pullover tops for some weeks afterwards.
In the case of a non-surgical nose job, you’ll be back in the swing of things immediately. You don’t need to take time off from work or hide away for weeks while you wait for your nose to heal.
Some Side Effects Are Possible
While you don’t need time for recovery, it’s still important to know that a non-surgical rhinoplasty can have side effects. Side effects don’t happen to everyone, though. When they do occur, they usually don’t last long. The most common side effects after the procedure are redness and bruising at the injection site. Some people also notice minor swelling in the treatment area. In many cases, the side effects fade away after a couple of days. If you feel self-conscious about any redness or bruising, you can use concealer to cover it up.
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty is Temporary
Depending on your point of view, the temporary nature of a non-surgical nose job can be a good thing or not. If you’re having the procedure done to test out a new nose and to see if surgical rhinoplasty is right for you, the fact that your non-surgical treatment won’t last long is a good thing. But, if you’re hoping to use non-surgical rhinoplasty as a permanent fix, you’ll be disappointed to know that it only lasts for a limited amount of time. You do have the option of repeating the procedure as the effects wear off.
How long a non-surgical rhinoplasty lasts depends on a variety of factors. The heavier the filler used, usually the longer results last. For example, if a surgeon uses Radiesse, which is made of calcium hydroxylapatite and is heavier than hyaluronic acid fillers, results can last for up to a year and a half. If a surgeon uses a hyaluronic acid filler, such as Juvederm or Restylane, results can last anywhere from six months to a year.
It Corrects Certain Issues
Non-surgical nose jobs won’t correct every issue a person might have with his or her nose. Typically, they are only helpful in cases when a person wants to augment the nose in some way. For example, a surgeon might use the injectable to fill in a divot on the top of the nose or to make the bridge of the nose smoother. In some cases, a non-surgical nose job can be performed on people who have already had rhinoplasty and who wound up with a ski slope nose as a result. The procedure can also temporarily correct saddle nose deformity, which occurs when the nasal structures collapse, usually due to injury.
If you have a nose that you’d like to make smaller or if, for example, you find the bridge of your nose too wide or think your nasal tip is too pronounced, a non-surgical rhinoplasty won’t help you, since the procedure adds to, instead of takes away from, the nose. While the procedure can smooth out small bumps or humps and correct slight asymmetry, it can’t minimize large bumps or correct a nose that is very asymmetrical.
It Can Be a Starter Nose Job
One thing that makes a non-surgical rhinoplasty so appealing to many people is the notion that it is a starter nose job. There’s little commitment involved, as the effects will wear off in, at most, 18 months. If hyaluronic acid fillers are used, there’s a chance the surgeon can inject an enzyme to dissolve the filler prematurely, if you’re really unhappy with the results.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is also a starter procedure because it costs considerably less than surgery, both in terms of cost and time. The procedure generally takes less than one hour and you don’t need to wait for the anesthetic to wear off. While surgical rhinoplasty generally costs several thousand dollars, non-surgical rhinoplasty is typically less than $1,000. The actual cost depends on the filler you get and how much of that filler you get.
You Still Need to See a Rhinoplasty Expert
Although it’s not surgery, it’s still important to see a facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty for a non-surgical nose job. While the risks from the procedure are minimal when it’s performed by someone with extensive training and familiarity with the anatomy of the nose, in the hands of a non-professional or even a doctor who doesn’t usually perform rhinoplasty, the risk for complications and problems increases considerably. You want to work with a surgeon who knows his way around the nose and who has years of demonstrated experience with injectable fillers.
In Virginia Beach, Dr. Kyle Choe is a board certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty and other facial procedures. To learn more about non-surgical rhinoplasty and to fully discuss your options and whether it’s right for you, call 757.389.5850 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Choe today.