Archive for January, 2015
Chin Implants: Nine Worries Exposed

It’s common to let fear prevent us from getting what we want – we’re human, after all. In fact, since fear is all too common, here is a breakdown of how easy and harmless a chin augmentation can be: Worry #1: I Won’t Be Approved For Surgery If your chin is out of balance with […]
What You Can Learn From Extreme Plastic Surgery

The majority of people who are considering plastic surgery are usually considering one, maybe two, procedures to correct an area they’ve long been unhappy about or to restore a more youthful appearance. While many patients have realistic expectations when it comes to surgery, there are a few who take it to the extreme. These patients […]
Beyond the Peel: Other Ways to Refresh Your Skin

It’s not just lines and wrinkles that can make your skin look less than its best or that can make you look older. A number of other issues can affect your skin’s appearance, from uneven texture to uneven skin tone. If you have had to deal with acne throughout your life, you might have areas […]
Covering the Cost of Surgery

New year, new you, right? If you’ve decided that 2015 is the year you’ll make the leap and have eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, or a facelift, there are a few things to think about first. One of those things is how you’ll cover the cost of the procedure. While some patients might be able to tap […]
Get the Most From Eyelid Surgery

You might not feel tired or old, but your droopy eyelids might tell another story. One way to revitalize your eyes and reduce the tired look is to undergo eyelid surgery. Depending on your specific concern, you might benefit from surgery on the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or on both. No matter what type […]