Archive for May, 2014
Men and Plastic Surgery: Popular Procedures

Although society still places more pressure on women to look younger or more attractive, men aren’t immune to those pressures. In recent years, it’s become more socially acceptable for men to undergo plastic surgery and enhance their faces and bodies. In 2011, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons noted that male patients were behind a […]
Get Engagement Ring Ready Hands

The use of dermal fillers to plump up hands, making them look more youthful, is nothing new. While not a permanent procedure, fillers such as Radiesse add volume to the hands, making them look less bony. The rise of the “selfie” and the increased popularity of social media has led to an increase in interest […]
Is It Skin Cancer?

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. If you haven’t already, it’s a good time to make an appointment to have your skin and moles examined by a doctor. Looking over your skin yourself is also an important first step in detecting, removing, and repairing the damage caused by the cancer. Take the time to take […]
What’s the Right Age for Botox?

“Am I too young for Botox?” That question has become more and more common these days. While people usually associate plastic surgery procedures, such as a facelift, with people in their 40s, 50s, or older, non-surgical procedures tend to be popular among younger patients. In 2013, Botox injections were among the Top 5 minimally invasive […]
Reconstructive Surgery for Scars and Tumor Removal

Plastic surgery isn’t always performed for cosmetic reasons. Reconstructive surgery is a type of plastic surgery that’s performed to either improve the functioning of one area of the body, such as septoplasty to improve breathing, or that’s performed to restore a more traditional appearance to an area after an injury or illness. Like cosmetic surgery, reconstructive […]