Archive for June, 2013
Reaping the Benefits of Lip Augmentation
The female lips have long been more than just a means of communication. They are a tool for conveying complex human emotion as well as a potent symbol of female sexuality and physical age, as the lips tend to lose volume with advancing years. Thin, poorly defined lips appear tense, taught, unexpressive, and may expose […]
Male Chin Implants on the Rise
Nothing says “Man” like a strong, prominent chin. A receding male chin, on the other hand, has the unfortunate and unintended effect of projecting weakness, lack of male virility, or poor self-confidence. The difference between a man with a strong chin and a man with a small chin (microgenia) is like night and day, sweet […]
Ear Piercing after Otoplasty
Otoplasty is the surgical reshaping of the ears. It is a fairly delicate and complicated procedure that is designed to correct natural abnormalities in the shape, structure or appearance of the ear lobes or ear cartilage. It is commonly performed to reduce the size of large ears or set prominent ears back closer to the […]
Is There a Plastic Surgeon in the House?
There actually may be several plastic surgeons these days as an increasing number do, in fact, make house calls. Some even offer a service described as a “virtual house call.” It’s the next best thing to a private, face-to-face consultation. Time was when most doctors made house calls. These were typically your family care practitioners. […]