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Archive for June, 2011

Chemical peels – are they painful?

Question: I’ve been doing my research on chemical peels and I think I’m ready to get one done. It is a painful procedure? Answer: It depends. Chemical peels are categorized into different types and their depth of penetration will dictate how much pain you will have. Any licensed skin care experts can perform the superficial type without much […]

I need help deciding between Botox and permanent lift procedures

Question: How effective is Botox for treating brow furrows? I am trying to decide between using something temporary like Botox, or going for a more permanent treatment such as a forehead or brow lift. How long would each injection last? Answer: Botox works by disrupting muscles’ ability to communicate with one another. This has a relaxing/smoothing effect […]

I’m African American and interested in undergoing rhinoplasty.

Question: I’m African American and interested in undergoing rhinoplasty. In many cases of African American rhinoplasty, the nose seems to look like it has been narrowed unnaturally. I’m concerned about my profile and how my nose gets flat when I smile. How can this be fixed? Will raising the bridge of my nose with an […]

I am a 25-year-old woman. Am I too young to begin a BOTOX regimen?

Question: I am a 25-year-old woman who has had a somewhat stressful life. I am now developing frown lines. Am I too young to begin a BOTOX regimen? Answer: Many patients in their twenties receive botox treatment for their frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet area. Many of these patients believe starting botox treatment when they start […]